Source code for radar.endpoints

from radar.models.geofence import Geofence
from radar.models.user import User
from radar.models.event import Event
from radar.models.context import RadarContext
from radar.models.address import Address
from radar.models.region import Regions
from import Place
from radar.models.route import Routes

from radar.errors import RadarError
from radar.utils import remove_none_values

    "geofences": "v1/geofences",
    "geofence_id": "v1/geofences/{id}",
    "geofence_tag": "v1/geofences/{tag}/{externalId}",
    "geofence_id_users": "v1/geofences/{id}/users",
    "geofence_tag_users": "v1/geofences/{tag}/{externalId}/users",
    "users": "v1/users",
    "user_id": "v1/users/{id}",
    "events": "v1/events",
    "event_id": "v1/events/{id}",
    "event_verification": "v1/events/{id}/verification",
    "context": "v1/context",

    "users": "v1/users",
    "user_id": "v1/users/{id}",

    "events": "v1/events",
    "event_id": "v1/events/{id}",
    "event_verification": "v1/events/{id}/verification",

    "context": "v1/context",

    "geocode_forward": "v1/geocode/forward",
    "geocode_reverse": "v1/geocode/reverse",
    "geocode_ip": "v1/geocode/ip",

    "search_users": "v1/search/users",
    "search_geofences": "v1/search/geofences",
    "search_places": "v1/search/places",
    "search_autocomplete": "v1/search/autocomplete",

    "route_distance": "v1/route/distance",


class _Endpoint:
    """Base class defining a Radar API Endpoint

    get, put, post, delete methods call the api requester, and return json

    def __init__(self, radar, requester):
        self._radar = radar
        self.requester = requester

    def _get(self, path, params=None, json_key=None, auth_type="secret_key"):
        raw_json = self.requester._request(
            "GET", path, params=params, auth_type=auth_type
        return raw_json.get(json_key, raw_json)

    def _post(self, path, data, json_key=None):
        raw_json = self.requester._request("POST", path, data=data)
        return raw_json.get(json_key, raw_json)

    def _put(self, path, data, json_key=None):
        raw_json = self.requester._request("PUT", path, data=data)
        return raw_json.get(json_key, raw_json)

    def _delete(self, path):
        raw_json = self.requester._request("DELETE", path)
        return raw_json

[docs]class Geofences(_Endpoint): endpoint = "geofences" REQUIRED_KEYS = set(["description", "type", "coordinates"])
[docs] def list(self, limit=None, createdBefore=None, createdAfter=None, tag=None): """Lists geofences. Geofences are sorted descending by createdAt Args: limit (int, optional (default=100)): max number of geofences to return. createdBefore (datetime, optional (default=None)): pagination cursor. createdAfter (datetime, optional (default=None)): pagination cursor. tag (str, optional (default=None)): lists geofences with specified tag. Returns: `list` of :class:`~radar.models.geofence.Geofence` """ path = API_PATH["geofences"] params = { "limit": limit, "tag": tag, "createdBefore": createdBefore, "createdAfter": createdAfter, } query_params = remove_none_values(params) raw_geofences = self._get(path, params=query_params, json_key="geofences") return [Geofence(self._radar, data) for data in raw_geofences]
[docs] def get(self, id=None, tag=None, externalId=None): """Gets a geofence by id or tag and externalId Returns: :class:`~radar.models.geofence.Geofence` """ if id is not None: path = API_PATH["geofence_id"].format(id=id) else: # check tag and externalId provided path = API_PATH["geofence_tag"].format(tag=tag, externalId=externalId) raw_geofence = self._get(path, json_key="geofence") return Geofence(self._radar, raw_geofence)
[docs] def list_users( self, id=None, tag=None, externalId=None, limit=None, updateBefore=None, updatedAfter=None, ): """Lists users in a geofence. The geofence can be uniquely referenced by Radar _id or by tag and externalId. Users are sorted descending by updatedAt. Returns: `list` of :class:`~radar.models.user.User` """ if id is not None: path = API_PATH["geofence_id_users"].format(id=id) else: path = API_PATH["geofence_tag_users"].format(tag=tag, externalId=externalId) params = { "limit": limit, "updateBefore": updateBefore, "updatedAfter": updatedAfter, } query_params = remove_none_values(params) raw_users = self._get(path, params=query_params, json_key="users") return [User(self._radar, data) for data in raw_users]
[docs] def create(self, data={}): """Creates a geofence. If a geofence with the specified tag and externalId already exists, the request will fail. Returns: :class:`~radar.models.geofence.Geofence` """ self._check_required_keys_exist(data) path = API_PATH["geofences"] raw_geofence = self._post(path, data=data, json_key="geofence") return Geofence(self._radar, raw_geofence)
[docs] def upsert(self, tag=None, externalId=None, data={}): """Upserts a geofence. If a geofence with the specified tag and externalId already exists, it will be updated. If not, it will be created. Returns: :class:`~radar.models.geofence.Geofence` """ self._check_required_keys_exist(data) path = API_PATH["geofence_tag"].format(tag=tag, externalId=externalId) raw_geofence = self._put(path, data=data, json_key="geofence") return Geofence(self._radar, raw_geofence)
[docs] def delete(self, id=None, tag=None, externalId=None): """""" if id is not None: path = API_PATH["geofence_id"].format(id=id) else: # check tag and externalId provided path = API_PATH["geofence_tag"].format(tag=tag, externalId=externalId) raw_json = self._delete(path) return raw_json
def _check_required_keys_exist(self, data): missing_keys = self.REQUIRED_KEYS - data.keys() if missing_keys: raise RadarError(message=f"Missing fields: {missing_keys}") return
[docs]class Users(_Endpoint): endpoint = "users"
[docs] def list(self, limit=None, updatedBefore=None, updatedAfter=None): """List users, sorted descending by updatedAt Args: limit (int, optional (default=100)): Max number of users to return. updateBefore (datetime, optional): A cursor for use in pagination. Retrieves users updated before the specified datetime. updatedAfter (datetime, optional): A cursor for use in pagination. Retrieves users updated after the specified datetime. Returns: `list` of :class:`~radar.models.user.User` """ path = API_PATH["users"] params = { "limit": limit, "updatedBefore": updatedBefore, "updatedAfter": updatedAfter, } query_params = remove_none_values(params) raw_users = self._get(path, params=query_params, json_key="users") return [User(self._radar, data) for data in raw_users]
[docs] def get(self, id=None, userId=None, deviceId=None): """Gets a user. The user can be referenced by Radar _id, userId, or deviceId Returns: :class:`~radar.models.user.User` """ user_id = id or userId or deviceId path = API_PATH["user_id"].format(id=user_id) raw_user = self._get(path, json_key="user") return User(self._radar, raw_user)
[docs] def delete(self, id=None, userId=None, deviceId=None): """Deletes a user. The user can be referenced by Radar _id, userId, or deviceId """ user_id = id or userId or deviceId path = API_PATH["user_id"].format(id=user_id) raw_json = self._delete(path) return raw_json
[docs]class Events(_Endpoint): endpoint = "events"
[docs] def list(self, limit=None, createdBefore=None, createdAfter=None): """Lists events. Events are sorted descending by createdAt. Args: limit (int, optional (default=100)): Max number of events to return. createdBefore (datetime, optional): A cursor for use in pagination. Retrieves events created before the specified datetime. createdAfter (datetime, optional): A cursor for use in pagination. Retrieves events created after the specified datetime. Returns: `list` of :class:`~radar.models.event.Event` """ path = API_PATH["events"] params = { "limit": limit, "createdBefore": createdBefore, "createdAfter": createdAfter, } query_params = remove_none_values(params) raw_events = self._get(path, params=query_params, json_key="events") return [Event(self._radar, data) for data in raw_events]
[docs] def get(self, id): """Gets an event. The event can be uniquely referenced by Radar _id Returns: :class:`~radar.models.event.Event` """ path = API_PATH["event_id"].format(id=id) raw_event = self._get(path, json_key="event") return Event(self._radar, raw_event)
[docs] def verify(self, id, verification=None, value=None, verifiedPlaceId=None): """Verifies an event. Events can be accepted or rejected after user check-ins or other forms of verification. Event verifications will be used to improve the confidence level of future events. Args: id (str): id of the event to verify verification (str, optional): one of "accept", "reject", "unverify" value (int, optional): one of 1 (accept), -1 (reject), 0 (unverify) verifiedPlaceId (str, optional): For user.entered_place events, the ID of the verified place. Example: >>>'123', 'accept') >>>'123', value=1) """ if value: if value not in [-1, 0, 1]: raise RadarError( message="value must be one of 1 (accept), -1 (reject), 0 (unverify)" ) else: verification_options = {"accept": 1, "reject": -1, "unverify": 0} if verification not in verification_options: raise RadarError( message="verification must be one of 'accept', 'reject', 'unverify'" ) verify_value = verification_options[verification] path = API_PATH["event_verification"].format(id=id) data = { "verification": verify_value, "verifiedPlaceId": verifiedPlaceId, } data = remove_none_values(data) raw_json = self._put(path, data=data) return raw_json
[docs] def delete(self, id): """Deletes an event. The event can be uniquely referenced by Radar _id """ path = API_PATH["event_id"].format(id=id) raw_json = self._delete(path) return raw_json
[docs]class Context(_Endpoint): endpoint = "context"
[docs] def get(self, coordinates): """Gets context for a location without sending device or user identifiers to the server. Args: coordinates ((latitude, longitude)): the coordinates of the location Examples: >>> radar.context.get(coordinates=(40.123, -73.456)) Returns: :class:`~radar.models.context.RadarContext`: object with the radar context for the provided location """ if coordinates: (latitude, longitude) = coordinates if latitude is None or longitude is None: raise RadarError(message="Coordinates as (latitude,longitude) are required") path = API_PATH["context"] params = {"coordinates": f"{latitude},{longitude}"} raw_context = self._get( path, params=params, json_key="context", auth_type="pub_key" ) return RadarContext(self._radar, raw_context)
[docs]class Geocode(_Endpoint): endpoint = "geocode"
[docs] def forward(self, query): """Geocodes an address, converting address to coordinates. Args: query (str): The address to geocode. Returns: `list` of :class:`~radar.models.address.Address` """ path = API_PATH["geocode_forward"] params = {"query": query} raw_addresses = self._get(path, params=params, json_key="addresses") # TODO move to single address if this changes? return [Address(self._radar, data) for data in raw_addresses]
[docs] def reverse(self, coordinates): """Reverse geocodes a location, converting coordinates to address. Args: coordinates ((latitude, longitude)): the coordinates to reverse geocode Returns: `list` of :class:`~radar.models.address.Address` """ if coordinates: (latitude, longitude) = coordinates if latitude is None or longitude is None: raise RadarError(message="Coordinates as (latitude,longitude) are required") path = API_PATH["geocode_reverse"] params = {"coordinates": f"{latitude},{longitude}"} raw_addresses = self._get(path, params=params, json_key="addresses") # TODO move to single address if this changes? return [Address(self._radar, data) for data in raw_addresses]
[docs] def ip(self, ip): """Geocodes an IP address, converting IP address to partial address. Args: ip (str): The IP address to geocode. Returns: `:class:`~radar.models.address.Address` """ path = API_PATH["geocode_ip"] params = {"ip": ip} raw_address = self._get(path, params=params, json_key="address") return Address(self._radar, raw_address)
[docs]class Route(_Endpoint): endpoint = "route"
[docs] def distance(self, origin, destination, modes, units="metric"): """Calculates the travel distance and duration between two locations. Args: origin (str): The origin. A string in the format latitude,longitude. destination (str): The destination. A string in the format latitude,longitude. modes (str): The travel modes. A string, comma-separated, including one or more of foot, bike, car, and transit. units (str, optional (default="metric")): The distance units. A string, metric or imperial. Returns: :class:`~radar.models.route.Routes` """ path = API_PATH["route_distance"] (origin_lat, origin_lng) = origin (destination_lat, destination_lng) = destination UNIT_OPTIONS = ["metric", "imperial"] if units not in UNIT_OPTIONS: raise RadarError(message="units must be 'metric' or 'imperial'") MODE_OPTIONS = ["car", "bike", "transit", "foot"] if not all([mode in MODE_OPTIONS for mode in modes.split(",")]): raise RadarError( message="modes must be comma-separated string including one or more of 'foot,bike,car,transit'" ) query_params = { "origin": f"{origin_lat},{origin_lng}", "destination": f"{destination_lat},{destination_lng}", "modes": modes, "units": units, } raw_routes = self._get(path, params=query_params, json_key="routes") return Routes(self._radar, raw_routes)